Wasting our lives and glorifying God

Wasting our lives and glorifying God
Notice God's unutterable waste of saints, according to the judgment of the world. God plants His saints in the most useless places. We say - God intends me to be here because I am so useful. Jesus never estimated His life along the line of the greatest use. God puts His saints where they will glorify Him, and we are no judges at all of where that is. ~Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, August 10

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Long Live The Queen

Israel said, "Remember when the Queen jumped out of the helicopter at the Olympics?"

Meg replied, "She didn't really.  You really think that an old lady would jump out of a helicopter???  And with her handbag?  Seriously?"

Israel, redirecting the conversation said, "I wonder what she keeps in that handbag."

"Trail Mix" I interjected.


Claire said...


Andrea said...

:-D :-D :-D

The thought of the Queen jumping out of a helicopter... just what I needed today for a smile!


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